It still will focus a lot on the three (FOUR now) men in my life but we've also launched McCarty Designs: A Party Planning Business and a Craft/DIY page, which will probably end up as a "What not to do" page but at least it will be an adventure!
But back to the men...
Honestly… the first man is
way more than a man, it’s my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I have been
extremely blessed to grow up in a Godly home and in an amazing Word-Driven
church, Lakeview Christian Center. Without Christ I would totally be a lame,
self-pitying, dead loser. And no one really likes those… do they?
The second most important
man is my MAIN man Bryan. My heart. My Happiness. My sunshine. Bestest bud in
the whole world. I could go on and on but it will just get gross and we
shouldn’t go that crazy. If you know me, you know I love him.
Than we have our little man Elliot. Our first son was born on November 24th, 2010 and though I
never ever dreamed of my own family or raising little kiddos… it has truly been
my honor and joy to have this adorable bundle of smiles in my life.
Guess so much so that we decided to have another one... Ethan should show up any day now and we are all excited!
In fact we've had a lot going on lately... new baby, new car, building a house, moving to a new state, new job, business website under construction... With all these changes it can make a girl exhausted! And aware of how incredibly blessed I am.
Well as always we start small so I hope you enjoy the new webpage home and come back often to check it out. We always love the company and hope while you are here you find yourself at home, learn something new or at least get a great laugh.Special thanks to my amazing new friend Erica T from the Cutest Blog on the Block. She helped design this new baby and I think it will help us go places for sure.
Thanks again for sticking around and for interacting with our family and our crazy adventures.
All love and blessings,
Jessica M