Fall'ing all over myself...

So... September is almost over, cool weather might be coming... maybe...

It's obviously time to decorate right?!!?

It must be because my Pinterest has been hounding me about it.
Seriously, if ever was a time where Pinterest were to come alive and hound you for not doing something... it's FALL.

I ignored its promptings for a few weeks. It was my hubby and I's birthdays so I thought I deserved a break. My mom came in town so finally I bit the bullet and was like...

FALL!  Why not! Maybe if I decorate... the cold weather will come....


It did not come. 

Probably cause what I did to my house or half-did to my house wasn't considered "decorating" or... anything at all besides apparently adopting a crud load of pumpkins that are now stacked randomly around the house aimlessly waiting to become pies. 

The problem with having a giant mantle? You need a ton of stuff to fill it... Usually I stare at an unfinished mantle for a few days before I happen across something that makes it work and figure out a way to finish it... haven't really had that happen yet....

This looks good! My mom did it... 

And this... I added the milk jug. Score! 

I must have run out of money at this point... Not even sure what should go here. But I did build that box. Extra points. ;)

Then I had it. 


It was just too much. No Pinterest. I can't make giant topiaries or a million little feaux pumpkins with random things I found in my attic... because my attic is empty

Granted, I've been married for six years but this whole decorating thing started.... like last year. Up until then my "FALL DECORATING" consisted of buying a cute baby pumpkin at Wally World and placing it in front of my front door.

Yep. I so did. For 3 years. 

Yet now.... ugh.... a tiny little pumpkin isn't going to cut it anymore. 

Now the smart thing to do is obviously decorate a tiny bit... buy when it goes on SALE and slowly over the years build your arsenal of holiday decor stash. 

But that, much like pregnancy... takes forever

But who has $400 to go out and buy all these beautiful things to "Make your own" holiday decor?

Not this girl. 

So let's review...

Had to move on from the tiny pumpkin -- check.
Don't have money to waste on fall decor -- check.
Still wasted money anyway and have not much to show for it -- check check.
Cold weather... nowhere even remotely in sight cause I obviously live on the surface of the sun -- check.
Had a stress attack over decorating a house that my friends don't really look at anyway since they are too distracted by my awesomeness... Fail.

It's moments like these, when I feel an utter failure, (over something utterly stupid) that I turn to Proverbs 31.... like an idiot and start to berate myself. 

Proverbs 31:15-16
She rises while it is yet night
 and provides food for her household and portions for her maidens. She considers a field and buys it;
with the fruit of her hands she plants a vineyard.

She is super womanFALL DECORATING isn't even probably on her list because it's useless. Sadly, in times when I want to feel sorry for myself I can look at this woman who loves her family so much and does all of these insane awesome things, without obviously any sleep or any real selfish tendency or sin whatsoever and I'll compare myself to her...

I do not rise early. Period.
I'm not the best steward of my money.
I sometimes meal plan.
I'm a money waster more than a money maker.
My children eat fast food and watch Disney movies. 
I DO make a lot of stuff with my hands... so that's one thing. 

But Comparison... like the kind I subconsciously do when I look at all the other crazy bloggers who have already blogged seven different Fall Crafts and DIY before I had time to wake up this morning (I MEAN SERIOUSLY?!) I compare myself to them...

I could do that... why aren't I? Because I am a lazy oaf.

Then I get depressed... you know why?

Comparison is the thief of Joy. 

When we look at others or things and than look at our self we are looking at a very skewed image.

First, if you are anything like me... you are your worst critic. No one will beat me up faster than I will and I can go on for hours and hours about the things you should not like about me... 

So, I take that image of myself (which isn't great) and then compare it to someone/something I am only seeing a surface picture of. 

Yea... your fall decorations are amazing... What I'm not seeing is the HOURS and probably Money it took you to do that.
Or your Pumpkin Cookies could grace Martha Stewart Magizine... no nevermind that it was the 12th batch you cooked to get 6 of those cookies perfect.. ect... 

I'm setting myself up for failure with insanely inaccurate information

You know what is accurate though? 

Proverbs 31:11
The heart of her husband trusts in her, 
and he will have no lack of gain. She does him good, and not harm,  all the days of her life.

My husband does trust me. 
It is my joy and greatest role to do him a lot of good... 
granted I've done harm to many things of his like walls, floors, old heirloom furniture, clothes... ect… 

But I’m not what I do to my house. Neither are you.

So, when Pinterest tries to swallow you up... 

Remember you are a beautiful Daughter of the King
You are your husband's favorite person in the whole world because of everyone he wanted you.
Your children come to you when they are scared or need a hug no matter how much you spend time with them making insane crafts or teaching them calculus before they are four. (if you are doing that by the way… stop right now.)
And your friends... your real friends... would love you if you lived in a perfectly decorated mansion or in a shack with one tiny lame pumpkin.

So, let's take a deep breath... and place our little baby pumpkin outside our front door and keep praying for cooler weather. 

It's going to be a great season. 

Psalm 139:14 
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works;
    my soul knows it very well.

God bless and Much Love,



  1. LOVE!!!! Comparison does steal joy! I think your house always looks amazing and you are seriously the sweetest person!

    Love ya!
    Sarah Fite (I had to comment as Anonymous but I wanted you to know who loves you!)

    1. Yay! Just glad you could comment now haha!!! I adore you Sarah Fite!!

  2. Loved this post Jess!

    Oh, and I think I still have to comment anonymously too... not sure why, but I think it's a problem on my end and not your (like I have never signed up for a profile)...

    Also, I definitely loved you as the girl who decorated with one tiny baby pumpkin...
    & I love you still! :)

    Kristen R.

  3. Love reading REAL post from you! Thanks for always being real! Love and miss you friend!
