I Live!


Long time no see. ;)

For the last three months I have been swimming in the awesomeness of Vacation Bible School.
I had somehow convinced our Children's Church Coordinator that we should totally write it from scratch and it would be super crazy easy…

It was not super crazy easy. It took an insane amount of planning, work, people and crepe paper.
But it was a blast and a beautiful success. Completely worth it.

And now that VBS is over… it is time for me to Nest. 

I think if Nesting was an Olympic Sport I'd be on that team in a heartbeat.

My nesting includes building closet storage, painting four rooms, making bedding from scratch, finishing any project I've left hanging this year (since the baby took me out for two months and then VBS for three) and oh having a baby.

It's so exciting! 

Ezra Nathaniel will be here in less then 3 months (seriously longest pregnancy EVER) so it's time to get in gear!

It's also time to catch up with you! We've pulled our way through a few projects during these last few months and I can't wait to show you them. They aren't done but that's projects for you…

It is a part of the journey! It's ok to be really on top of projects and it's ok to let them fester for a few months to focus on something more important.

Whenever you get them done is whenever they will need to be done.

I'm also blessed to be reading a new book this Summer call The Meaning of Marriage by Tim Keller.

Let's be honest… marriage is my favorite thing ever and it's something I will never know everything about. I mean it's another person with their own thoughts, feelings, dreams, goals living with you who helps you make little tiny versions of you and him together and it's this crazy awesome ride that is always in need of attention and time.

But it's also one of the two beautiful ways Jesus uses to describe His relationship with us.

Marriage & Adoption are used throughout the Bible to help our feeble minds understand how much the Lord has done for us. How he plucked us out of nothing and made us His own. How Jesus laid down his life for us like He lays down his life for the church.

Doesn't it make you all tingly inside?

No? Not yet? No biggie.

It will one day. :)

So, have a fantastic week and I'll check in again this week with what I have somewhat finished these last few months.

God bless and Much Love,


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