Than an all out Nerf war with my best friend.
Two guns. 50 shots and three small children cheering from the sidelines.
Bring it.
As my husband wraps up his day at work I am wrapping up my master plan.
Waiting for him on the front door will be his weapon and this simple note:
I learned about these amazing guns from none other than the most fun person on the planet: My mom.
She saw these once somewhere and bought three of them for my brother, me and herself.
She would hide behind corners and zing us and than we would gang up on my brother or they would gang up on me... it was all awesome and we'd spend hours finding those little discs everywhere.
But with discs flying I'd need some cover in my home...
I had to iron my new dinning room curtains and while I knew I wasn't going to hang them for awhile, rather than hang them across my banister... I decided to make a fort for the three boys to play with (and a place for me to hide from flying discs)
John, one of Elliot's little pals was dropped off to play while his parents did normal Valentine things.
I made sure to not put out my husband's sign and weapon out until after they left...
Although when they asked... I was pretty forthcoming with my plan. John's dad being a Navy dude... he totally approved. He also approved of my Fort.
Pretty nifty fort huh?
We built it for Elliot's second Birthday party and got all the instructions from Prairie Momma.
I had to have an engineer (Bryan) and my dad build it for that... once they got it though putting it together the second time by myself... wasn't a piece of cake but it was entertaining for my two boys who tried helplessly to hand me PVC pipe pieces.
Yet... a war was afoot and I couldn't let a fort take me down!!
And although the 'enemy' tried to buy me this morning with chocolate covered pretzels, scones and flowers... and lunch... and being the sexiest man alive... my resolve did not waver!!
He married me to keep him young and I shall complete my mission!
While I eagerly await his arrival I hope your Valentine's Day is fun and filled with laughter!
And if it isn't... just remember that Valentine Candy goes on sale at Midnight at Wal-Mart and these nerf guns are only $11 for a set of two on Amazon.
God Bless,
Have fun! Happy Valentine's Day!! :)
Thank you Kristen!! Love you bunches. We had a blast... literally... we will be picking up those tiny discs for days.