He must not be able to help it around me because many of the things I say or think...
The only response He could have besides striking me dead is full out laughter.
Like the time I told him I wasn't the marrying type and was going to be one of those career girls.
That was the first time I thought I heard it. Right before I met my husband after my parents forced me on a singles retreat for my church...
Or the time I told Bryan that I'd never move out of New Orleans and I would never in a million years move to Texas.
I've caused God at least two huge bouts of laughter and that isn't even counting the daily things I do each day.
Recently though I really have heard God's laughter and I recognized it wasn't mocking or a "See, I'm God and you are Not" but a rather, "Oh sweet daughter... you seriously have no clue what is best for you do you?"
Though granted, He has the right to pull the I'm God and you are not card.
His sweet laughter came when I saw two super clear purple lines on a pregnancy test.
I am not really a life planner.
Once Bryan asked me what my five year plan had been when I went to college.
I'm pretty sure I just stared at him stupidly for a few minutes.
I've never really planned out my life. I've planned out projects, vacations, and dates but serious life things like marriage, career… never was all that prepared.
But I wanted to be with kids so after Elliot we made a plan.
Four kids sounded good. Two close together then a three year gap and two more close together so they wouldn't be lonely. I was a lot younger than my siblings so I wasn't crazy when I had my boys 18 months apart… I was being thoughtful in giving them a playmate.
After Ethan came along we really liked our three year gap plan.
Having two children, moving to a new state, switching jobs, joining a new church and having a house to figure out was a bit much to handle.
But I was still planning ahead for those next two kids… just WAY WAY ahead.
In fact I thought adoption was what was next for us.
I'd talk about it frequently with Bryan who would just nod and remind me calmly that we aren't going to adopt anytime soon or have another child anytime soon either. OK… but did it hurt to talk about it and plant the seed? Nope.
I'd told my friends, they had started to pray for clarity for me and I was looking into the Texas Adoption service. I was super crazy excited.
Then I saw those two purple lines.
Two completely unexpected purple lines.
How did this happen? Ok... I knew how it happened but HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!
Two days before my purple line revelation I had been speaking to a very close friend of mine who was telling me she was having her second child. I was so excited and so happy I joked with them that I was so glad it was them and not me.
See.... now you are laughing along with God.
I had to call her back a few days later and tell her we'd be having kids a few days apart from each other.
She thought it was hilarious.
I struggled for a few weeks with this new and beautiful revelation.
Did this mean we weren't going to ever adopt? What if it was twins?
Then for SURE we wouldn't adopt…
I was confused and shaken.
Because my plans sounded great. I mean, they did.
And this baby was not in my plans.
I kind of felt like a whiny four year old.
BUT GOD…. that wasn't the PLAN!!
I felt out of control and I quickly realized I did not like that feeling.
When had I become such a control freak?
Bryan wasn't taking it as bad… he kind of wasn't taking it at all.
Two weeks in he finally was like, "You should take another pregnancy test."
I prevented myself from explaining the female anatomy to him and complied.
Two Purple lines.
It took him another three weeks to admit we were having another baby.
That's about how long it took me to realize that I wasn't in control and that… was a great thing.
Every amazing thing in my life that has happened was never something I planned or shot for.
It had all been carefully and lovingly orchestrated by God.
Just like Baby Mac #3. God wasn't surprised. He's never surprised.
But He is gracious when we are surprised. When we are scared and when we are in flat out denial.
Isaiah 30:18
Therefore the Lord waits to be gracious to you, and therefore he exalts himself to show mercy to you.
We are about to finish the 1st trimester now and could not be more excited. Our excitement finally matches our friends and family as they try and convince me I am having a girl when let's face it… there be another McCarty Boy in there.
Either way, I have all my 'E' names planned and whoever pops out Bryan and I are ready to love to pieces. Baby Mac #3 is special and precious to us and it will be a long six months waiting for him.
I'm not sure what my plan will be now… will there be a Baby Mac #4? Will we adopt?
No idea.
But God knows and I can wait on Him and just enjoy this moment.
Cause this moment… is fantastic.
God Bless and Much Love,
Oh and if you were curious to know how we found out about Baby Mac #3, keep on reading…
Bryan was on a business trip to New Orleans and I had called him to say goodnight. We were talking for a few minutes when I realized in my head that my period hadn't come recently… no biggie. The fastest way to start a period is to take a pregnancy test. I always have a plethora of them on hand cause I buy them from the dollar general. Work perfectly. Dollar preggo tests have found out all of my three kids. True.
While he was telling me about his day that first purple line appeared… and then… the next and then… I screamed.
"OH SH**!"
(Yep. I did. I'm a sinner and I was panicking. Back off)
He thought I had broken something.
"What? What is it? Are you ok?!"
"NO! I'm not ok!"
I started at this point to hysterically cry. I swear I am such an adult… Then we went back and forth, him lovingly trying to convince me to tell him what was wrong, me not wanting to tell him cause it wasn't very special to scream, cry hysterically and then, "Oh we are having a baby!"
See… God laughs at me ALL the time people!
Eventually I blurted it out.
"I'm pregnant."
"… what?"
Yep. It wasn't my shining moment but as time passes it becomes funnier and funnier and I am so thankful for all the laughter God allows in our house.
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